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Developer Documentation

Welcome to PrintFactory’s developer pages.

PrintFactory offers two software development kits: Job Automation and Printer drivers.

Job Automation

The Job Automation development kit lets you connect external applications to PrintFactory, automatically submit jobs and get feedback on the progress and usage.

The software development kit comprises:

Printer Drivers

The Printer Driver development kit lets you write your own printer driver for use with PrintFactory. These drivers can also be submitted for wider distribution after we’ve validated them. This development kit comprises:

  • API Documentation : API specifications of the PrintFactory driver connection.
  • Concept : an explanation of our driver connections.
  • UI XML format : definitions of the cross-platform UI format.
  • META2 format : definitions of our internal format for storing print and cut jobs.


The Local RIP API allows access to the locally installed RIPs / Devices and Resources. This API is the API that is used by the Editor, Layout and Calibrator to exchange information and jobs with the local RIP instances.

API Documentation : API specifications of the PrintFactory RIP REST interface.